Legal & Financial


We provide resources and support to navigate legal and financial decisions for your church.

Legal Resources

C&MA Policy & Procedure Manual

For official workers and churches within the Christian & Missionary Alliance.

C&MA Safe Sanctuaries Policy

Reducing the risk of abuse in ministry with children, youth or vulnerable adults.

Financial Resources

C&MA Finance Manual (Church Treasurers)

Provides the basics to Treasurers (and Pastors) preparing budgets and periodic financial reports for their local church.

Stewardship & The Kingdom of God

Explains the theology behind the meaning of biblical stewardship, and the principles that guide our earning, spending, saving and giving.

Developing an Annual Stewardship Plan

A stewardship campaign and organized program (plan) to educate and motivate the people in the local church to spiritual faithfulness.

Social Security and Other Info for Members of the Clergy and Religious Workers

This publication contains information for Ministers, Members of a religious order, Religious workers (church employees), etc.

Tax Guide for Churches and Religious Organizations

This publication explains the benefits and the responsibilities under the federal tax system for churches and religious organizations.

Tax on Unrelated Business Income of Exempt Organizations

This publication covers the rules for the tax on unrelated business income of exempt organizations.

Sovereign Insurance Group

Specializing in niche focused commercial property and casualty insurance. For more information kindly contact Matthew Hayes.