Next Steps
Follow Your Calling
If you sense a call to ministry and would like to serve with us, here are the steps to take.
Accreditation & Licensing
Prerequisite to Pathways
Serving in the Metro District
Are you interested in serving God in the Metropolitan District? We want to help you connect your passion with God’s purpose. In order to serve with the Christian & Missionary Alliance you will need to start the Accreditation Process.
Accreditation & Licensing Process
01 – Create a Profile
The process starts with establishing a MYCMA profile at (click on “Exploring?/Next Steps”) so that we can get to know you. As soon as you finish your “Getting To Know You” profile, a team member from the C&MA will connect with you.
02 – Church Licensing Request
Church Licensing Request – Send to your church governance authority for completion online. Please Note: lead pastor or church governance authority must provide a ministry job description to Metro District Office (email:
Church planters should send licensing request to the Director of Church Planting.
03 – Complete Application
The Application for Alliance Ministries can be completed at by logging back into your Called2Serve profile. This application includes a Doctrinal Questionnaire, Character References, and several other forms, including a request for transcript of required seminary/Bible school credits.
04 – Licensing Requirements
- I-9 Form – Complete page 1 and include the appropriate form(s) of identification as indicated on page 3. Submit to the Metro District Office via email or regular mail.
- Background Check – Check will need to be completed before interview can be scheduled. Please contact Pathways at the Metro District office to request authorization for a background check.
05 – Accreditation Interview
Following completion of the district requirements, an accreditation interview by C&MA leadership will take place, where we will assess your character, calling, and readiness for ministry with The Alliance.
Provisional Worker Residency
*Only for individuals who have already completed accreditation requirements and received an Alliance Provisional Official Worker License.
God is preparing his heroes; and when the opportunity comes, he can fit them into their places in a moment, and the world will wonder where they came from.
– A.B. Simpson
The Purpose
The purpose of Pathways is to equip Provisionally Licensed Workers with a learning residency to obtain permanent ministry status. Preparing to lead as a Church Ministry Worker, and a Consecrated or Ordained Minister is a sacrificial commitment to leadership. Simpson encouraged us, “When God wants to bring more power into our lives, He brings more pressure. He is generating spiritual force by friction.” Stepping into Pathways of Development prepares you to expand your capacity for all that God has for you.
Pathways Requirements
Completing Ordination/Consecration
Alliance Requirements
The Christian and Missionary Alliance Board of Directors has set a national set of requirements for Ordination and Consecration. The Metro District L&O/CC has been charged with their implementation and to ensure Ordination or Consecration is entrusted to called and qualified ministers of the gospel. If you have any questions please email
Provisional Worker Residency
When you receive your Provisional Worker’s License you are automatically enrolled in this residency. Only provisionally licensed official workers may participate in this residency. A Provisionally Licensed Worker is an accredited minister who holds a licensed position in a ministry. The minister receives a provisional license for a maximum of 3 years as the minister pursues a permanent ministry status either as a Church Ministry Worker or as an Ordained/Consecrated Worker. If the minister does not complete the permanent status requirements within 3 years then the provisional license will be revoked.
Identify a Church Supervisor
Every Pathways resident is required to have a church supervisor for the duration of their participation in Pathways. The church supervisor must be a consecrated or ordained minister. The role of the church supervisor is to offer oversight to the resident within the church ministry and quarterly evaluations of the resident’s development. It is a commitment and investment in the development of new leaders.
Ministry Modules
Complete to Become an Ordained/Consecrated Minister
Modules 1-3 Must be Completed First
*Transferring/Sustaining Ministers Must Complete
- Attend Interactive Class Module 1 – New Official Workers Forum & Alliance Mission Module. Class will be held at Metro District Office. Register Now.
- Read Pursuit of God, A.W. Tozer.
- Read The Fourfold Gospel, A.B. Simpson.
- Watch “Where Will All of This Lead?” (4 min. video).
- Complete the Module 1 Quiz and email to
- Complete the Quarterly Supervisor Evaluation Form and email to (Online Evaluation Form HERE.)
- Please Note: Each year, the Church Ministries office of the C&MA hosts a conference entitled Resonate for new workers within the C&MA. Please contact if you are interested in attending this event. You can visit for more information when it becomes available.
- Watch Module 2 – Alliance Polity & Pastoral Ethics – Access to video and password will be emailed once you register. Register Now.
- Access to video and password will be emailed once you register. Register Now.
- Read All for Jesus, Robert Niklaus.
- Read the C&MA Manual. Please study sections A-5 and E.
- Read the C&MA Lifestyle and Conduct Policy.
- Read the C&MA Statement on Human Sexuality.
- Read the Metro District By Laws.
- Watch: Shepherding Power Well – Metro District Roundtable 3/17/2022.
- Complete the Module 2 Quiz and email to
- Complete the Quarterly Supervisor Evaluation Form and email to (Online Evaluation Form HERE.)
Alliance Perspectives
- Watch Module 3 – Alliance Theology & Pastoral Leadership. Access to video and password will be emailed once you register. Register Now.
- Attend interactive Q&A Discussion led by director of Leadership Development (optional). Register Now.
- Read Resolving Everyday Conflict, Ken Sande.
- Read one selection from the Module 3 Reading List that most pertains to your ministry or offer an alternative reading.
- Complete the Module 3 Quiz and email to
- Complete the Quarterly Supervisor Evaluation Form and email to (Online Evaluation Form HERE.)
- Fourfold Gospel Video Resource.
Read through the entire Bible. Once complete email with a statement that you have completed it and include the version you read.
Participate 6 times in an assigned cohort with other new workers. For more information download and read the Pathways Journal or email us at
Modules 4-9 Can be Completed in Any Order
*Completing Modules 1-3 is Required
- Watch Module 4 – Christ Our Savior with Soul Care & Identity Practicum. Access to video and password will be emailed once you register. Register Now.
- Attend interactive Q&A Discussion led by director of Leadership Development (optional). Register Now.
- Read The Heart of the Gospel, by Bernie Van De Walle.
- Complete the Module 4 Quiz and email to
- Complete the Quarterly Supervisor Evaluation Form and email to (Online Evaluation Form HERE.)
- Resources:
- Watch Module 5 – Christ Our Sanctifier with Spirit & Empowered Ministry Practicum. Access to video and password will be emailed once you register. Register Now.
- Attend interactive Q&A Discussion led by director of Leadership Development (optional). Register Now.
- Read Wholly Sanctified, by A.B. Simpson.
- Complete the Module 5 Quiz and email to
- Complete the Quarterly Supervisor Evaluation Form and email to (Online Evaluation Form HERE.)
- Resources:
- Watch Module 6 – Christ Our Healer with Healing Practicum. Access to video and password will be emailed once you register. Register Now.
- Attend interactive Q&A Discussion led by director of Leadership Development (optional). Register Now.
- Location TBD.Class will be live-streamed, link emailed prior to event. Register Now.
- Read The Gospel of Healing by A.B. Simpson.
- Complete the Module 6 Quiz and email to
- Complete the Quarterly Supervisor Evaluation Form and email to (Online Evaluation Form HERE.)
- Resources:
Fourfold Gospel Video
C&MA Beliefs – Christ as Healer.
- Watch Module 7 – Christ our Coming King with Preaching Practicum. Access to video and password will be emailed once you register. Register Now.
- Attend interactive Q&A Discussion led by director of Leadership Development (optional). Register Now.
- Read A Basic Guide to Eschatology by Millard Erickson.
- Complete the Module 7 Quiz and email to
- Complete and Submit 2 Preaching Evaluations. Online Preaching Evaluation.
- Complete the Quarterly Supervisor Evaluation Form and email to (Online Evaluation Form HERE.)
- Resources:
Fourfold Gospel Video
C&MA Beliefs – Christ as Coming King.
- Watch Module 8 – The Church w/ Management & Development Practicum. Access to video and password will be emailed once you register. Register Now.
- Attend interactive Q&A Discussion led by director of Leadership Development (optional). Register Now.
- Read the C&MA Manual and Finance Manual for Alliance Church Treasurers & Pastors.
- If you have not watched in Module 2, please watch: Shepherding Power Well – Metro Roundtable 3/17/2022.
- Complete the Module 8 Quiz and email to
- Complete the Quarterly Supervisor Evaluation Form and email to (Online Evaluation Form HERE.)
- Watch Module 9 – Missions with Culture & Diversity Practicum. Access to video and password will be emailed once you register. Register Now.
- Attend interactive Q&A Discussion led by director of Leadership Development (optional). Register Now.
- Read: Something Needs to Change by David Platt.
- Choose one of the following:
- XPLORE – Discover God’s Word, God’s World, and God’s Work. Read and complete these questions: XPLORE. (Download XPLORE Study Guide PDF).
- Global or Local Engagement Trip. Contact:
- Alliance Strategies in Missions Course.
- Completion of C&MA college or seminary course in World Missions.
- Complete the Module 9 Quiz and email to
- Complete the Quarterly Supervisor Evaluation Form and email to (Online Evaluation Form HERE.)
Read through the entire Bible in a different translation than the first reading. Once complete email with a statement that you have completed it and include the version you read. Bible Reading Form.
Please complete the Elder Board Recommendation Form
Please email the District Office at to schedule the examination.
- 2022 Written Examination Dates: Written exams can be taken upon completion of all requirements, contact the district office to schedule.
- Study questions for the written exam
- Please review The Alliance’s Statement of Faith and be ready to defend using Scripture.
Upon passing the written exam, a verbal examination will be scheduled by the District Office with the L&O/CC.
- 2022 Verbal Examination Dates: monthly, see Events calendar for current dates. Contact district office to schedule your verbal exam.
- Study questions for the verbal exam
Pathways FAQ
Below are some frequently asked questions.
Have another question? Email us at:
Cohorts incorporate the biblical model of discipleship as we learn and grow in small groups. The Cohort model is used in Pathways to provide ministers a small group for peer to peer learning and building peer relationships.
Cohort Details:
- 5-10 residents per group
- Led by a District Leader
- Pre-meeting assignment
- Pre-meeting devotional explaining biblical framework of topic
- Meetings follow an outlined discussion
- Pathways Journal
- Assign Church Supervisor
- Quarterly Church Supervisor Evaluations to be completed with Resident
- Pastor & Elder commitment to support Resident for time & financial investment required for Residency
There is biblical precedent for setting men and women apart for special work for God. Those set apart were expected, both by God and His people, to instruct, protect, motivate, and equip God’s people to know and glorify God personally and corporately by obedience to His will, including evangelizing those who were not God’s people, thus participating in building and advancing His Kingdom.
An example of ordination in the Old Testament is the appointment of Aaron’s sons as priests (Exodus 28–29, Leviticus 6–9); in Jesus’ words regarding His choosing and appointing the twelve (John 15:16); in the appointment of Paul and Barnabas for missionary work; in the appointing of elders in the churches by Paul and Barnabas (Acts 14:23); and in the appointment of elders by Titus at Paul’s direction (Titus 1:5). In Ephesians 4:11–13, apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors/teachers are described as “given” to God’s people to equip them for serving and living for the Lord Jesus Christ. Timothy was “ordained” to special work for God and His Church (1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6), with Paul and the “body of elders” participating in “laying hands on” Timothy.
The practice of “laying on of hands,” though not limited to activity resembling ordination, has accompanied setting persons apart for God’s work at every ministry level and is an Old and New Testament practice. God shall choose this occasion to impart spiritual gifts and/or special empowerment of the Holy Spirit for the ministry to which that person is called.
In accordance with the Uniform Constitution for Accredited Churches which identifies that “elders shall be male members” and that all pastors are understood to be “elders,” the ordination process is applicable only to male candidates. The consecration process, which acknowledges a woman’s call to serve the Lord’s Church in other equally important roles, will apply to female candidates.
Ordination is the Church’s public recognition of the call from God, distinct from human vocational choice, to men for a lifetime ministry, through speech and exemplary lifestyle, of preaching and teaching the Word of God, protecting God’s people from spiritual enemies and doctrinal heresies, overseeing and promoting the spiritual development of God’s people, and equipping God’s people to fulfill the Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations” for the purpose of knowing and glorifying God by obeying His will and building His Kingdom. The occasion for setting men apart for such ministry is the Church’s affirmation of the candidate’s faithful completion of preparation for ordination through approved education, in-service training, field experience with mentoring for a minimum of two years, and examination by a qualified council of peers.
From Section E-4 of The Official Manual of The C&MA
A Church Ministry Worker License is a permanent ministry license to serve in the C&MA. It enables ministers to serve in the local church for the ministry of God’s Word with limited leadership responsibilities, who do not seek to serve as an ordained or consecrated minister, nor exercise the privileges of ordained/consecrated ministry. Persons who hold this license serve the church under the immediate oversight of an ordained or consecrated minister.
A provisional license is a preparatory license to provide opportunity for mentoring by experienced pastors, development of skills in ministry and church leadership, and demonstration of Christian character for persons who are called to serve the church as an official worker with the possibility of ordained or consecrated ministry (Uniform Policy on Licensing and Certification, Manual of the C&MA (E3-3-4).